
You may want to capture information in your onboarding flow, whether it’s a customer’s email for communication purposes, alias, first name, or other fields.

We have a few fields pre-made for you. All the fields but 3 are are standard input fields, but these 3 have custom attributes:

  1. Username this field is a string that is unique for each project, and has the following validations:
    1. Letters A-Z, a-z, numbers 0-9, or symbols $ ! # % ?
    2. Must be length 5 to 20
    3. Cannot contain consecutive symbols
  2. T-shirt size - this field is a dropdown with the standard options available (XS, S, M, L, XL, XXL).



Scroll to “Additional User Information” in the Login/User Profile section of the dashboard.

Here you specify which fields you want to collect during onboarding. For each field, you can select whether it is optional or mandatory.

Simply save the settings and on the next log in, a user be prompted to enter the information in onboarding.

Manually Triggering

If fields are mandatory, they cannot be skipped during onboarding and the user will be prompted to enter the information. However, if you have only optional fields, you can skip them during onboarding and prompt for them at a time of your choosing.

First, scroll to Design Settings in the Login/User Profile section of the dashboard and toggle on “Skip Optional fields during onboarding”.

Next, you can trigger the information capture modal by calling the updateuserwithmodal method from the useuserupdaterequest hook. This will trigger the UI for info capture.


Q. What happens with your current users if you change the settings?

A. No big deal. If you make certain fields required, then the next time a user connects to your application, we’ll ask them to enter the field that you just made mandatory. That way, your users will stay up to date with the fields that you need.