This guide will walk you through how to use Biconomy’s smart accounts with Dynamic. You can find more info on how Biconomy works here: We will use Ethereum Sepolia, so make sure your paymaster etc. is set up for that, and also make sure your user is on this network once logged in.
This guide and example is for V4 of the Biconomy packages and V4 of Dynamic.
Install Dynamic and Biconomy
In your app’s repository, install @dynamic-labs/sdk-react-core
, @dynamic-labs/ethereum
and @biconomy/{account, bundler}
Initialize & configure Dynamic
Add the DynamicContextProvider
All you need to get started is the DynamicContextProvider - you will want to wrap your app with this component at the highest possible level, like so:
To enable embedded wallets for your users, toggle it on along with email/social auth in the dashboard.
Configure your Biconomy bundler and paymaster
Go to the Biconomy Dashboard and configure a Paymaster and a Bundler for your app. Make sure these correspond to the desired network for your user’s smart accounts.
Make sure to set the paymaster URL as the value for REACT_APP_BICONOMY_PAYMASTER_URL in your env file, and do the same with your bundler URL for REACT_APP_BICONOMY_BUNDLER_URL.
Create our Biconomy constants
Let’s introduce a new biconomy.js
file to house our Biconomy methods. Here we’ll initialize the paymaster, the bundler, the validation module, and the method to create a smart account using createSmartAccountClient.
The validation module allows the user to authorize actions from their Biconomy smart account by signing messages with their Dynamic wallet.
Create our custom hook
We’ll create a custom hook to fetch the wallet client from Dynamic, and then initialize the Biconomy smart account using the methods we created above.
Create Main component
Since we’re calling dynamic hooks, we need to do this inside the component tree, above where the DynamicContextProvider wrapper lives. For our purposes, let’s create a Main.js component, and this is also where we can place or signup and login UI (DynamicWidget):
As you can see, we’re looking the now initialized smart account in Main, and you can then do whatever you want with it!
End to end flow
You can find a complete example of the integration here: