id: stringinternal ID for this VC
address?: string[Optional] - wallet address associated with the VC
chain?: string[Optional] - chain associated with the VC
refId?: string[Optional] - if using oauth, this is the embedded wallet_id associated with the social account
signerRefId?: boolean[Optional] - for smart contract wallets, signerRefId is the wallet ID of the signer for this SCW
email?: string[Optional] - email associated with the VC
nameService?: NameServiceData[Optional] - ens data name and avatar url, if one is associated with the wallet in the VC, see NameServiceData below for more details
publicIdentifier?: string[Optional] - common way to reference the VC. i.e. email address for email VCs, name of user for Google VC
walletName?: string[Optional] - wallet name associated with the VC
walletProvider?: WalletProviderEnum[Optional] - type of wallet, see WalletProviderEnum below for more details
walletProperties?: WalletProperties[Optional] - generally only used for embedded wallets with Turnkey, see WalletProperties below for more details
format: JwtVerifiedCredentialFormatEnum[Optional] - the type of VC i.e. email, see JwtVerifiedCredentialFormatEnum below for more details
oauthProvider?: SocialSignInProviderEnum[Optional] - the social provider associated with the VC i.e. apple, see ProviderEnum below for more details
oauthUsername?: string[Optional] - username associated with the social provider for the VC
oauthDisplayName?: string[Optional] - display name associated with the social provider for the VC
oauthAccountId?: string[Optional] - ID associated with the social provider for the VC
oauthAccountPhotos?: Array<string>[Optional] - photos associated with the social provider for the VC
oauthEmails?: string[Optional] - emails associated with the social provider for the VC
previousUsers?: Array<string>[Optional] - user IDs who were previously associated with the VC
embeddedWalletId?: string | null[Optional] - ID of the embedded wallet associated with the VC


avatar?: string[Optional] - avatar associated with the ens
name?: string[Optional] - name associated with the ens


‘browserExtension’ || ‘custodialService’ || ‘walletConnect’ || ‘qrCode’ || ‘deepLink’ || ‘embeddedWallet’ || ‘smartContractWallet’


turnkeySubOrganizationId?: string[Optional] - turnkey sub organization ID associated with wallet
turnkeyHDWalletId?: string[Optional] - turnkey HD wallet ID associated with the the wallet
isAuthenticatorAttached?: boolean[Optional] - is authenticator i.e. passkey attached to the wallet


‘blockchain’ || ‘email’ || ‘oauth’ || ‘passkey’


‘emailOnly’ || ‘magicLink’ || ‘apple’ || ‘bitbucket’ || ‘discord’ || ‘facebook’ || ‘github’ || ‘gitlab’ || ‘google’ || ‘instagram’ || ‘linkedin’ || ‘microsoft’ || ‘twitch’ || ‘twitter’ || ‘blocto’ || ‘banxa’ || ‘dynamic’ || ‘alchemy’ || ‘zerodev’ || ‘turnkey’