The SDK uses a number of objects to represent different things. Here is a list of all of the objects used by the SDK and links to their reference pages.

AccessDeniedCustomButton: An object containing custom text and action for access denied modal.

EvmNetwork: Object which represents a network on the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM).

Locale: Used within the locale prop of the DynamicContextProvider to edit the copy displayed by the SDK

JWT Payload: JWT to verify some claims about the end user.

JwtVerifiedCredential: A representation of a verified credential (Wallet, email, farcaster, phone, etc.).

PhoneData: The phone information required for sms verification.

SdkViews: Used within the DynamicContextProvider overrides prop to adapt the view shown to the user programmatically.

UserProfile: An object containing attributes about the user such as the wallet address, email, first name, etc.

Wallet: An object containing the attributes about the connected wallet. This object would be available immediately after a wallet has been connected.

WalletsByChain: Array of objects, used primarily for bridging.

WalletConnector: This is Dynamic’s abstraction over the wallet interface. This can be used to interact with the users wallet.