Create a wallet in a single-click from your telegram mini-app.


Seamless Telegram Login with Telegram Web Apps improves user experience by enabling quick access directly within Telegram Messenger. Users can launch a mini app and get automatically logged in.

Live example of a Dynamic Seamless Telegram Login @DynamicMiniAppBot on Telegram App.

Live Demo

🤖 Open Dynamic Mini App Bot in Telegram

Integration guide

To begin, you can clone the provided Mini App example and repository as a foundation for your project.

Step-by-Step Instructions

  1. Create an Account on Dynamic

  2. Clone the Repository and Deploy

    • Clone Mini App example and repository to your local machine.
    • Follow steps in the README
    • Deploy the application online. With Next.js, you can deploy a web app within minutes. Follow the deployment instructions here.
  3. Create a Telegram App and Bot

    • Use BotFather to create a new app and bot. For detailed steps, refer to our comprehensive guide here.
  4. Configure Settings in Dynamic Dashboard

  5. Update Bot Configuration

    • Use the Bot TOKEN from Telegram and set your web app URL as the LOGIN_URL in scripts/bot.ts or add them as environment variables.
  6. Run the Telegram Bot

    • Run the Telegram bot using the following command:
      npx ts-node scripts/bot.ts
  7. Start the Bot in Telegram

    • Open Telegram, go to your newly created bot, and type /start.


You should now have Dynamic’s Seamless Telegram Login fully functional in your Mini App. 🎉

If you have any questions or need help with the integration, feel free to reach out to us in Slack.