The upgrade guide for this release containing only implementation related changes can be found here. As there a number of breaking changes with this release, we recommend reviewing that guide along with this one.

Viem & Wagmi

V2 of the SDK supports Viem & Wagmi V2 by default. This means that you can now use the latest versions of Viem & Wagmi without any dependancy issues!

SMS Login

We’ve added support for SMS login! This means that you can now allow your users to login using their phone number. Embedded wallets are also now compatible with SMS login!

Headless Support

We’ve introduced more ways of bringing your own UI rather than using the Dynamic UI components, this includes more hooks and methods exposed by the SDK to build flexible onboarding flows.

Smaller bundle

We’ve made some changes to the SDK to reduce the bundle size, including splitting out part of the library that you might not need (see breaking changed in upgrade guide).

Minified JWT

We’ve added a minified version of the JWT that is sent to the client, which will allow you to store it without issue in cookies etc.