
Displaying your Terms of Service and Privacy Policy are an important step of customer onboarding. We give you the flexibility to display those two documents in our SDK or you can hide the links and display them somehwere else in your site.

Display as a sentence

privacyPolicyUrl (optional) & termsOfServiceUrl (optional)

We currently display the Terms of Service and Privacy Policy during the connecting step of the SDK.

If you want to update the links, then you can do so by updating the props in settings.

    environmentId: "1234abcd-1234-abcd-1234-abcd12343abc",
    appName: "My Cool App",
    appLogoUrl: "..."
    apiBaseUrl: "https://app.dynamic.xyz/api/v0",
    privacyPolicyUrl: "https://example.com/policies/privacy-policy",
    termsOfServiceUrl: "https://example.com/policies/terms-of-service",

Hiding the Terms of Service and Privacy Policy Copy

If you don’t want to display this text, then you can instead hide the sentence with:

    environmentId: "1234abcd-1234-abcd-1234-abcd12343abc",
    appName: "My Cool App",
    appLogoUrl: "..."
    apiBaseUrl: "https://app.dynamic.xyz/api/v0",
    displaySiweStatement: false,

Display as a checkbox

As an alternative to displaying the Terms of Service and Privacy Policy as a sentence, you can display a checkbox that the user must check in order to proceed. To do so, turn on TOS and PP in the login methods section under information capture. After that, you can display the checkbox component like so:

Note: this will display the TOS and PP in a page post login as part of the user’s onboarding flow.

    environmentId: '2995b456-45c1-4326-af24-5f9fca2214cf',
    walletConnectors: [ EthereumWalletConnectors ],
    policiesConsentInnerComponent: (
          By checking this box, you agree to our{' '}
          <a href="https://www.dynamic.xyz/terms-of-service" target="_blank">
            Terms of Service
          </a>{' '}
          and{' '}
          <a href="https://www.dynamic.xyz/privacy-policy" target="_blank">
            Privacy Policy