What is it?

Views are used to customize the kind of UI that shows up at any point in time in your application, specifically giving you complete control over the signup/login options you show your user.

How does it work?

Views are used primarily in the overrides prop of the DynamicContextProvider. You pass in an array of configurations for each view you want to customize, each view has its own set of options.

Types of Views

Authentication Method Options (Login)

The SdkViewType.Login is used to adjust the login/signup UI options programmatically.

When using the login view, you add an object to the views array. This object should have type: SdkViewType.Login and sections which is an array of SdkViewSection objects.

SdkViewSection structure


An identifier of the kind of view section to be provided, possible values outlined in section below.


The text alignment used for Text sections.


The option to be displayed as the main one. The default item will be displayed in a more prominent way than the rest of the items in the section.

  • For Social section, represents the social provider to be displayed by default.
  • For EmailAndPhone section, represents whether email or phone options are displayed by default ("email" vs "phone").

The label for the section. This will be displayed above the section or as part of the separator component if it is a Separator section.


The default number of items to display in the section. User has to click a button to view more options if any are left out.

  • For Wallet section, represents the number of wallet items to be displayed by default.
  • For Social section, represents the number of social providers to be displayed by default.


The possible values are:

  • SdkViewSectionType.Email
  • SdkViewSectionType.EmailAndPhone
  • SdkViewSectionType.Phone
  • SdkViewSectionType.Social
  • SdkViewSectionType.Separator
  • SdkViewSectionType.Text
  • SdkViewSectionType.Wallet

The EmailAndPhone section is what you get by default when you enable both email and phone in our dashboard without using login view overrides. It’s a section where the user has the option to toggle between email and phone number input. Read about defaultItem here to learn how to set whether to show email or phone by default.


The possible values are:

  • SdkViewSectionAlignment.Center
  • SdkViewSectionAlignment.Left
  • SdkViewSectionAlignment.Right

Example snippets

Here’s an example where you are overriding the login view to show only the email login option:

import { SdkViewSectionType, SdkViewType } from "@dynamic-labs/sdk-api";

    overrides: {
      views: [
          type: SdkViewType.Login,
          sections: [
              type: SdkViewSectionType.Email,
  <App />

Here is an example where you are overriding the login view to show email or social login options:

import { SdkViewSectionType, SdkViewType } from "@dynamic-labs/sdk-api";

    overrides: {
      views: [
          type: SdkViewType.Login,
          sections: [
              type: SdkViewSectionType.Email,
              type: SdkViewSectionType.Separator,
              label: "Or",
              type: SdkViewSectionType.Social,
              defaultItem: "google",
  <App />

Complete example

There is a more complete example also found here.

Branded Wallet Signup/Login (Wallet List)

The wallet-list configuration enables you to define tabs with predetermined labels, icons, filters, and recommended wallets, enhancing your application’s wallet selection interface. This feature is particularly useful for grouping wallets.

Configuring Wallet List Tabs

In the DynamicContextProvider setup, the overrides field is used to configure each tab in the wallet list. The configuration options available for each tab allow for detailed customization:

  • Label and Icon: Customize the tab’s appearance with a label for text and an icon for visual representation. The icon can be one of the following options:

    • A icon from the dynamic iconic package
    • A image URL
    • Or you can bring your own React icon
  • Wallets Filter: This option enables to dynamic display of wallets based on the selected tab. Clients have the flexibility to write custom filter functions or utilize predefined ones, for more information read the sort and filter wallets doc

  • Recommended Wallets: Specify recommended wallets for each tab by providing wallet option keys and optional labels. This feature is designed to highlight preferred wallets, steering users towards secure and suitable options for their specific needs.

  • Style: An optional field that determines how the tabs are displayed within the wallet list. Currently, the only supported style is "grid".

Complete example

There is a more complete example also found here.